

“I have been using General Ecology water purification products for over 35 years. 


The South Sea Pearl Farm operation that my family owned was located on a remote Island in the Philippines. At the time I took over management, many of our employees were stricken with dysentery and other water borne diseases. To complicate matters, most of the people living in this area had Malaria and were battling cases of dengue fever. My priority was to solve the drinking water challenge.


Using General Ecology water purification, we solved the drinking water problem. Working with the local Barangay community, our company donated materials and engineering help to bring a pure water spring source several miles to the people of this area.


When your life and health depend on pure clean water, I trust General Ecology. "

Thomas M. Roberts – Founder of Water Safety Systems

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“Over the past 48 years I have been involved with water in the science of Aquaculture and building Aquaculture facilities. This includes very remote challenging locations, Australia, Papua New Guinea, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. From 2008 to 2015, I was the Technical Director for remote project building a multi-species aquaculture hatchery in the Philippines. To keep myself and staff in good health, I utilized General Ecology Water Purification equipment for purified drinking water and food preparation. When it comes to health and safety of my team,  I will always rely on Water Safety Systems Portable units utilizing General Ecology Water Purification Technology.”

Robert A. Rose – PhD Marine Biologist



“From 2009 to 2015, I was the Project Engineer for the construction of an Aquaculture Hatchery located at Busuanga Island in the Philippines. During this period, I had over 400 construction workers on site. When I first arrived, Mr. Thomas Roberts, the Operations Director, trained my crew to use General Ecology Water Purification equipment. Everyday hundreds of liters of water were purified to provide drinking water and water for food preparation at our on-site cafeteria. During the project’s six years, our construction workers remained healthy and productive with no water borne disease issues. I highly recommend Water Safety Systems and General Ecology technology. “  

Engr. Andrew Louie F. Padilla – Engineer, Batangas City Philippines